
Showing posts from March, 2018
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Os 4 livros para entender as causas e soluções da insustentabilidade.

Julio F. Campos Este artigo fornece uma lista de quatro dos livros mais importantes sobre sustentabilidade que são necessários serem lido para entender as causas de nossos problemas e as maneiras de resolvê-los. The Coal Question; An Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal Mines; William Stanley Jevons; 1865 Preocupado com as rápidas taxas em que o carvão estava sendo consumido devido à alta demanda das indústrias, Jevons abordou a questão analisando como o desenvolvimento tecnológico para a eficiência dos equipamentos e sua consequente redução no uso de carvão poderia impedir sua exaustão ou escassez. Mais de um século antes da definição do termo de ecoeficiência em 1992, no que ficou conhecido como "O Paradoxo de Jevons", Jevons observou que o aumento constante na eficiência poderia levar na verdade a um aumento no uso de recursos, resultando em um rápido declínio de estoques de recursos. Embora ainda esteja tentan...

The 4 books to understand unsustainability causes and solutions.

Julio F. Campos This article provides a list of four of the most important books on sustainability that one need to read to both understand the causes of our problems and the ways to solve them The Coal Question; An Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal Mines; William Stanley Jevons; 1865. Concerned with the fast rates in which the coal was being consumed due to high demand by industries, Jevons approached the issue analyzing how the technological development of equipment efficiency and its consequent reduction in coal use could prevent it exhaustion or scarcity. Over a century before the definition of the eco-efficiency term in 1992, in what become known as "The Jevons' Paradox", Jevons observed that the constant increase in efficiency could if fact leads to increase in recourses use, resulting in a fast decline of resource stocks. While still trying to be disproved by the efficiency advocates, the number of ...

Price or desire? Consumers or corporation driving forces?

Image Julio F. Campos With excerpts from the Guardian " How formula milk firms target mothers who can least afford it " Recently I was discussing the role of price over the consumerism that is collapsing our planet's systems. Some argued that the low prices are the more important driving force behind what people consumes, or better, how much they consume, and since corporations only produce to attend the consumer demand, the former would have a more impact of resources depletion than corporations. The basis of that logic is that consumers consume because corporations offer low prices products. I argue that the issue is a bit more complex and deep than that. First of all, both consumers and corporations are guilt for the environmental degradation. To define who’s more important is irrelevant. Prices under the consumer perspective. The first step is to dismember the consume into its two ramifications: The consume of needed go...
