
Showing posts with the label Overpopulation
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Desemprego e População ou: Porquê não consigo emprego?

Que carreiras proporcionarão a melhor empregabilidade no futuro? Com o que devo escolher trabalhar? O que eu deveria estudar?  Essas questões estão ficando mais comuns diariamente à medida que as taxas de desemprego aumentam em todos os países do mundo. Embora seja uma preocupação crescente entre a população como um todo, suas causas estão suscitando preocupações em todo o planeta devido ao seu potencial de consequências sociais e econômicas desastrosas. Apesar de muitas soluções estarem sendo propostas, desde o decréscimo econômico até o menor horário de trabalho, nenhuma delas ainda abordou o principal problema por trás da falta de empregos disponíveis.  Esse problema reside na própria população, ou mais precisamente, no problema da superpopulação. Independentemente de suas causas, crescimento intrínseco da população em países subdesenvolvidos ou migração crescente para países desenvolvidos, o crescimento constante da população resulta em uma demanda crescente de trabalho...

On why technology is not the answer.

Julio F. Campos Recently I was asked about which environmental friendly technologies or products we need to invent for a more sustainable society . Although a simple question, with a simple answer but complex explanation, it is indeed the single most important question that one could ask. The answer is plain simple: none. The reason behind both the question and the answer, however, demands a not so simple explanation.   Let's start with the question that is the root of what was asked:    Why do we need more technology? The concept that the technology development could improve human society development was introduced in the first two decades of the twentieth century and later used to describe the works of the economist Thorstein Bunde Veblen.   Its idea was resumed by the engineer William H. Smyth with the introduction of the technocracy concept, which was could be resume to  "the rule of the people made effective through the agency of their serva...

The Prostitution of the Sustainable

Julio F. Campos Since 1972 the world is discussing the environmental issues. Why are we still struggling with the same problems? Why any palpable solution has yet to be implemented? Besides all propaganda by sustainable corporation actions, where are the results? Whit all accumulated knowledge, why isn’t the society moving towards a sustainable way to be? Those are inconvenient questions that hide an inconvenient truth.  In this article the underlying reason will be presented, plain and simple, taking the reader to visit the other side of the sustainability. When dealing with the environment and sustainable development issues and concerns in our lives, those who are worried about the current socio-environmental situation of the planet are increasingly uncomfortable with the position of the self-proclaimed "sustainability professionals". “Why those professionals responsible to implement de needed sustainability are doing it so slowly?” To answers that question an...

Unemployment and Population or Why Can't I Get a Job

Julio F. Campos Which careers will provide the best employability in the future? What should I choose to work with? What should I study? Those questions are getting more common on a daily basis as unemployment rates soar through every country in the world. Although unemployment is an increasing concern amongst the overall population its causes are raising governments concerns worldwide due to its potential catastrophic social and economical consequences and the fact that no economical model seems to be able to handle the problem. While many solutions are being proposed, from economic degrowth to less working hours, none have yet addressed the main problem behind the lack of available jobs. That problem lies at the population itself, or more precisely, the overpopulation problem. Independently of its causes, intrinsic population growth in underdeveloped countries or increase migration to developed countries, the constant population growth results in an increasing de...

Jevons' Paradox Misunderstood?

Julio F. Campos The Jevons' Paradox has been focus of attention in recent years due to its apparent conflict with eco-efficiency concept and as consequence has generated distinct reactions against it, and for it. The paradox is crucial when we face a corporation advertising of a more efficient process,  energy efficient products , sustainable use of energy or resources. It is, as we will see, also the first consideration that must be made when we ask " how can we be more sustainable". Here it is presented why that the idea that Jevons' Paradox is only related to energy is a misunderstanding, since the paradox wasn’t postulated referencing to the energy use but to the use of energetic resources, coal in the case. As postulated by Jevons in 1865 book “The Coal Question”: “ Whatever, therefore, conduces to increase the efficiency of coal, and to diminish the cost of its use, directly tends to augment the value of the steam-engine, and to enlarge the...
