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Sustainability and the Sustainable Growth Fallacy

Sustainability roots are the words “ability” and “sustain”, therefore the ability to sustain. In the case of ecological sustainability, the ability to sustain a ecological system or social sustainability, as the ability to sustain a social system. The idea of sustainability has become over the years so disseminated through so many different areas and so little attention has been given to its real meaning that it is often confused with the traditional definition of sustainable development, i.e., use our resources without compromise the needs of future generations, which is the result of sustainability. To fully understand this “ability to sustain” it must be brought back some dimensions to the concept that are related to how long that ability can be maintained, how it is maintained   or lost, and the systemic configuration need for its existence. This paper brings back the sustainability concept to its more broad definition and some considerations on how the lack i...

O colapso da economia ecológica? ou: Quando os cientistas mentem.

A necessidade de entender corretamente os problemas ambientais sempre foi posta como um dos pilares da economia ecológica em contraste à neoclássica. Recentemente foi realizado um evento na Unicamp sobre Fórum Capitalismo e Meio Ambiente, Crescimento Zero e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. no qual acadêmicos discutiram as inter-relações entre ambos e possíveis soluções para os problemas atuais. Lamentavelmente vemos em uma palestra o conhecido Prof. José Eli da Veiga ( ) argumentando sobre dois pontos importantes que merecem uma análise mais próxima: Primeiro aponta que se ultrapassados supostos limites impostos pela natureza não teremos um colapso. A base de tal argumentação é a proposição de Rockström et al no artigo “A safe operating space for humanity” publicado na Nature em 2009 (em anexo) ( ) , no qual o mesmo e sua equipe sustentam a proposta de trabalhar com o termo “fron...

The magic solution of bioplastic?

Julio F. Campos Bioplastics have occupied a prominent place in the petrochemical industry as the solution to the problem of dependence on fossil fuels. Moreover, the strong environmental appeal due to its natural renewable origin makes it the main product in the sustainability policy debate. Its Life Cicle Analysis, however, shows that the truth is just the opposite. Their production demands uniformity of raw material, which can only be obtained (to meet the market demand) through large scale monocultures, which are responsible for their implementation, among other impacts, for the extinction of local biodiversity (irreversible), To which it only increases as demand for productive area increases. It can be argued that waste or by-products from agricultural processes are used, and therefore no significant impact is added to the stage of production of the raw material. It is important to remember that both the gasoline was waste discarded from the production of kerosene unti...
